Replace Deprecated Snippet

In OU Campus; if you see a message indicating a snippet is deprecated in a web page, it is time to insert the updated snippet into the page.

Message in Staging

snippet deprecated notification

Insert New Snippet

Select the Edit option immediately above the deprecated snippet and insert another 2 column snippet above deprecated one.

New 2 column snippet

Left column: create the link.

Right column: insert the Events Container snippet then insert as many Event snippets needed and repopulate the event information.

Save and Exit the changes, select Preview, drag the right side of the browser towards the left to smallest size possible (phone size) to ensure the new snippet renders properly at that size. Go back into edit mode and delete the obsolete snippet, Save and Exit, then Publish (after you ran all test to ensure spelling, links, W3C and accessibility pass).

Old Version of Snippetdeprecated 2 column snippet in staging

Example of Another Deprecated Snippet

Follow the same procedure if you have more than one deprecated snippet to replace. You may not see a difference in the new snippet but after you save and exit it, the snippet notification will go away. 

deprecated snippet message for a 3 column snippet

For the 3 column snippet below, insert a 3 column snippet above the original snippet (to use as a guide for what goes into the new snippet) then insert the assets into the 3 columns: 

internal 3 column snippet view

Save and exit the changes, select Preview, drag the right side of the browser towards the left to smallest size possible (phone size) to ensure the new snippet renders properly at that size. Go back into Edit mode and delete the obsolete snippet, Save and Exit, Publish the page.