
1. Go to the web page to be edited (e.g. https://ou-campus.sdsu.edu):

Described in login steps2. From the footer: select ‘Last Updated MM/DD/YY’ then sign in with your SDSUid credential
3.  Enter user SDSUid and password


What is SDSUid?

Contact appropriate area for assistance: Students Faculty/Staff or call 1 619-594-7343

Supported Browsers

OU Campus is supported on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, IE and Edge browsers.

Trouble Logging In?

If you experience an issue getting into OU Campus:
close window(s)/tabs of any previous login attempts before you try to log in again.
Contact your Account Administrator if problem persist.

Once logged in, the web page will open with editable regions (green tabs).

  1. Select the tab where the content immediately below it requires edits

Green tabs as discribed above.

2. When edits are complete, run spellcheck using the ABC icon, correct errors, then Save and Exit.
3. Go to another region for modification, if necessary or Preview the page, then shrink the browser window from the side to its smallest width to ensure it retained it's responsiveness before publishing the page.

Need More Editable Regions?

Enable/Disable Editable Regions

To add more or remove existing editable regions on a page: go into page to be modified, select Properties and place or remove check mark next to regions to be modified then Save.